Oliver North

Posted by Administrator on 14 Sep 2006 at 07:31 am | Tagged as: Science Reviews

I would like to agree with this article but feel that I need further information

With man it may be impossible. But with God you can still have a baby at your present age.

Just when you thought the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season was a bust and the home team was winning, now we find a brand new season in play. Hurricane Florence has made a mess of Bermuda and got to first base. And now tropical storm Gordon is at-bat and considering a double or triple category hurricane as he takes the first pitch.

United States military has done the impossible or at least what was deemed to be impossible only a decade ago. They have proven that they can use unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs and do aerial in-flight refueling without the guide of a pilot. Fully automatic. That means they can do zero-zero visibility fully autonomous aerial refueling.

Al Gore appears to be on a World Tour trying to get people to listen to his Global Warming alarmist view and also, well to promote his new movie. He is warning China and India that yes, strong growth is good for economic development, but lets not forget about our environment and the air pollution he says is causing Global Warming.

We all will have unexpected emergencies to deal with: it’s a fact of life. But we are also perfectly capable of being prepared for the worst.

Here’s a good reason why you can’t trust what the US media tells you about. the flu.

I’m uncertain about this article and whether I understand the author’s position on today

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